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Amphenol 安费诺是全球最大的高科技互连、传感器和天线解决方案供应商之一。我们的产品在几乎所有终端市场实现电子革命,包括汽车、宽带通信、商业航空航天、工业、信息技术和数据通信、军事、移动设备和移动网络。


Amphenol 安费诺是先进互连系统、传感器和天线的领先供应商,用于越来越多的汽车应用。

Amphenol 安费诺是有线、卫星和电信视频和数据网络宽带通信产品的全球领导者。

Amphenol 安费诺是面向商业航空市场的高性能互连系统和组件的领先供应商。

Amphenol 安费诺是面向广泛工业应用的高性能互连系统、传感器和天线的领先供应商。

Amphenol 安费诺是信息技术 (IT) 和数据通信市场互连开发的市场领导者,拥有行业领先的高速、电源和光纤技术。

Amphenol 安费诺在设计、制造和供应用于恶劣环境军事应用的高性能互连系统方面处于世界领先地位。

Amphenol 安费诺设计和制造范围广泛的互连产品、天线和机电组件,涵盖各种移动计算设备。

Amphenol 安费诺是全球领先的移动网络市场互连解决方案提供商,提供广泛的产品组合,包括天线、连接器和互连系统。

Amphenol 安费诺是世界上最大的连接器和互连系统、天线解决方案、传感器和高速电缆的设计者、制造商和营销商之一。Amphenol 安费诺的连接器和连接器系统解决方案包括光纤互连、恶劣环境互连、高速互连、电源互连、配电和母线以及射频 (RF) 互连产品。我们的传感器和基于传感器的产品解决方案包括气体和湿度传感器、液位传感器、位置传感器、压力传感器、温度传感器和振动传感器。Amphenol 安费诺的增值电缆组件包括电缆组件和线束、电缆管理产品和背板互连系统。Amphenol 安费诺的电缆解决方案包括同轴电缆、电力电缆和特种电缆。Amphenol 安费诺还提供合路器/分路器产品、柔性和刚性印刷电路板、铰链和模制零件。

Amphenol 安费诺是全球最大的高科技互连、传感器和天线解决方案供应商之一。Amphenol 安费诺的产品推动了几乎所有终端市场的电子革命,包括汽车、宽带通信、商业航空航天、工业、信息技术和数据通信、军事、移动设备和移动网络。 Amphenol 安费诺成立于 1932 年,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为 APH,总部位于美国康涅狄格州沃灵福德。

Amphenol is one of the world’s largest providers of high-technology interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions.Our products Enable the Electronics Revolution across virtually every end market including Automotive, Broadband Communications, Commercial Aerospace, Industrial, Information Technology and Data Communications, Military, Mobile Devices and Mobile Networks.

Markets Served

Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications.

Amphenol is a world leader in broadband communication products for cable, satellite and telecommunications video and data networks.

Commercial Aerospace
Amphenol is a leading provider of high-performance interconnect systems and components to the commercial aerospace market.

Amphenol is a leading supplier of high-performance interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a broad range of industrial applications.

IT Datacom
Amphenol is a market leader in interconnect development for the information technology (IT) and datacom market, with industry-leading high-speed, power and fiber optic technologies.

Amphenol is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of high-performance interconnect systems for harsh environment military applications.

Mobile Devices
Amphenol designs and manufactures an extensive range of interconnect products, antennas and electromechanical components across a wide array of mobile computing devices.

Mobile Networks
Amphenol is a leading global interconnect solutions provider to the mobile networks market and offers a wide product portfolio, including antennas, connectors and interconnect systems.


Amphenol is one of the world’s largest designers, manufacturers and marketers of connectors and interconnect systems, antennas solutions, sensors and high-speed cable. Our connector and connector system solutions include fiber optic interconnect, harsh environment interconnect, high-speed interconnect, power interconnect, power distribution and busbars and radio frequency (RF) interconnect products. Our sensors and sensor-based product solutions include gas and moisture sensors, level sensors, position sensor, pressure sensors, temperature sensors and vibration sensors. Our value-added cable assemblies include cable assemblies and harnesses, cable management products and backplane interconnect systems. Our cable solutions include coaxial cable, power cable and specialty cable. We also provide combiner/splitter products, flexible and rigid printed circuit boards, hinges and molded parts.

Amphenol is one of the world’s largest providers of high-technology interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions. Our products Enable the Electronics Revolution across virtually every end market, including Automotive, Broadband Communications, Commercial Aerospace, Industrial, Information Technology and Data Communications, Military, Mobile Devices and Mobile Networks. Founded in 1932, Amphenol trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker APH and is headquartered in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA.


Amphenol 供应商 1元1天百度见 上海恒萨实业有限公司 (代理商)
座机:028-85592750   地址:上海闵行区都会路1885号丽琴大厦6楼610-1室   企业官网:无
联系人:张雪莲    手机:18108204527    QQ: 2355572687      E-mail:lily.zhang@yunsong.com
Amphenol 供应商 1元1天百度见 深圳信科电气科技有限公司 (分销商)
座机:0755-26980707   地址:深圳市南山区南山大道新绿岛大厦3楼   企业官网:www.thinktech7.com
联系人:郭中洋    手机:18899777552    QQ:    E-mail:sales@thinktech7.com
Amphenol 供应商 1元1天百度见 北京飞五科技有限公司(深圳办) (分销商)
座机:4001866353   地址:北京市海淀区苏州街12号西屋国际公寓C座2001室   企业官网:www.favor2003.cn
联系人:邓天鹤    手机:13811837574    QQ: 2153888969      E-mail:favorguangzhou.sn1@favor.cc
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